Good Noon in Japanese Messages - Afternoon SMS Greetings:
In Japanese culture, the rules also differ depending upon whether you are on phone or meeting or is he a close friend of yours. You see, there is nothing strange or new in it. We too follow the same rules. We don't get formal with our pals. We seldom greet them with "Good Morning!" or "Good Evening!" A mere "Hi!" is enough. Let us see what greetings are to be used when.Their most well known translation for "Hello!" is remains "Konnichiwa!" it is not exactly how to say hello in Japanese. Perhaps it is not the most suitable for it. Actually, the correct greeting in English to which "Konnichiwa" is closest in sense, is "Good Day!" or "Good Noon!" and I am sure you won't like greeting a person with a "Good Day!" at any time, more so when you actually want to say "Hello!" whose meaning is very close to "Hi!" or "How do you do?" or "What's up?", and neither do Japanese like saying "Konnichiwa" when they want to say "Hello!"
Here gives some SMS and Messages like Good Noon and Good Afternoon.
(1) “When friendship is your greatest weakness ,
you will be the strongest person in the world”
Good Afternoon.
(2) Meaning of noon is not just only
middle of the day but it is the harder
time to do anything in our life.
So accross this noon happily Good Afternoon.
(3) Success is century make it,
Problem is yorker face it,
Failure is bouncer leave it,
Luck is full toss use it,
But opportunity is free hit never miss it,
Good Afternoon my friends.
(4) Night has gone,
Morning has gone
But I have good noon to say u
Good Afternoon.
(5) Anybdy can love a rose but no 1 luvs a leaf that adds beauty 2 rose!
MORAL: Dont luv some1who is beautiful, but luv t 1 who cn make Ur life beautiful..
Good afternoon.
(6) Life is a Magis.The Beauty
Life is a Magic.
The beauty Of life is next second.
Which hides thousands of secrets.
I wish every seconds will be wanderful in your life.
Good Afternoon. Take car!
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